The following arrests and citations, occurring between April 10 and April 13, were reported by Bainbridge Public Safety and the Decatur County Jail:
- Larry Lashaun Alston, 36, 606 N. Miller Ave., Bainbridge, driving while license suspended/revoked, theft by shoplifting (misdemeanor); C. Strickland III, BPS;
- Darita Mendoza-Moctezuma, 34, 225 Barber St., Bainbridge, no driver’s license, seat belt violation; C. Strickland III, BPS;
- Tabitha Powell, 18, 1204 E. Water St., Bainbridge, theft by receiving stolen property, terroristic threats and acts (felony); J. Bunting, BPS;
- Amber Darice Jones, 23, 1105 Lake Drive, Bainbridge, disorderly conduct; T. Pait, BPS;
- Jermaine Jackson, probation violation-original charge aggravated assault; R. Walton, SO;
- James Ryan Higgins, 104 Bracken Fern Lane, Bainbridge, hunting on the land of another; K. Davidson, SO;
- Aaron Smart Gayle, 2335 Old Whigham Road, Bainbridge, contempt of court (misdemeanor); V. Edmond, SO;
- James Hunter Logue, hunting on the lands of another; K. Davidson, SO;
- Reid William Robert Heard, hunting on the lands of another; K. Davidson, SO;
- Larry Bernard Wilson, 1000 Cooper St., Bainbridge, probation violation; V. Edmond, SO;
- Edgard Todd Bowen, 1121 Meridian Drive, Bainbridge, DUI; A. Davis, GSP;
- Ashlyn Joyce Soper, 136 Jean Drive, Bainbridge, deposit account fraud (bad checks); J. Presilla, SO;
- Sabrina Nicole Duncan, 2274 Dothan Road, Bainbridge, failure to appear-original charge deposit account fraud; P. Trolinger, SO;
- Denize Montreze Williams, sale of a controlled substance (Mitchell County SO), use of communication facilities in committing a felony (Mitchell County SO).
- Pannell Hearn, 3879 TOMLIN ROAD COCO FL, burglary (felony); M. Musgrove, SO;
- Charles Arthur Lizotte, 2991 COOKTOWN ROAD COLQUITT GA, deposit account fraud (misdemeanor); V. Edmond, SO;
- Kirkland Eugene Brooks, 112 SOUTHLAND TRAIL BYRON GA, DUI, reckless conduct; D. Fretwell, GSP;
- Taylor Morgan Weaver, 3301 Dothan Road, Bainbridge, deposit account fraud, SO;
- Ciro Jimenez, DUI, driving without a license, GSP.
Format: Name of person charged, age, address, city, charges; Arresting Officer, Arresting Agency
SO = Decatur County Sheriff’s Office
BPS = Bainbridge Public Safety
GSP = Georgia State Patrol
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