Flint Hills Resources, a large company headquartered in Wichita, Kansas, announced Friday it has purchased an ethanol plant in Camilla, Ga.
The plant was formerly owned by Southwest Georgia Ethanol, LLC. It was originally built in 2007 by First United Ethanol, LLC, and the $196 million plant opened in 2008. It used corn as an input to produce ethanol.
News Release
Flint Hills Resources announced today that it has finalized the acquisition of an ethanol plant near Camilla, Georgia, from Southwest Georgia Ethanol, LLC.
Flint Hills Resources is a leading refining, chemicals and biofuels company with operations primarily in the Midwest and Texas. Flint Hills Resources’ biofuels business now includes seven ethanol plants with a combined annual capacity of 820 million gallons, a biodiesel plant and investments in biofuels technology and feedstock development. Camilla is the company’s first ethanol plant located outside of the Midwest.
The Camilla plant opened in 2008 and has an annual capacity of 120 million gallons of ethanol. It also produces more than 310,000 tons of dried distillers grains and approximately 21 million pounds of non-food grade corn oil each year. The plant employs about 60 people.
Flint Hills Resources is an independent, wholly-owned subsidiary of Koch Industries, Inc., which is one of the largest private companies in America. Koch Industries, which also owns Atlanta-based Georgia Pacific, has about 60,000 employees across the U.S., including more than 8,000 employees in Georgia.
Flint Hills Resources is currently seeking candidates for full-time positions at several of its locations. More information is available at FHRCareers.com.
About Flint Hills Resources, LLC Flint Hills Resources, LLC, through its subsidiaries, is a leading refining, chemicals and biofuels company with operations primarily in the Midwest and Texas. Its manufacturing capability is built upon six decades of refining experience, and the company has expanded its operations through capital projects and acquisitions worth more than $11 billion since 2002. Flint Hills Resources’ subsidiaries produce and market gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, asphalt, ethanol, biodiesel, liquefied natural gas, olefins, polymers, intermediate chemicals, as well as base oils, corn oil and dried distillers grain.
Flint Hills Resources operates ethanol plants in Arthur, Fairbank, Iowa Falls, Menlo and Shell Rock, Iowa, Fairmont, Nebraska, and Camilla, Georgia. The plants have a combined annual capacity of 820 million gallons of ethanol.
The refining business operates refineries in Minnesota (Rosemount) and Texas (Corpus Christi), with a combined crude oil processing capacity of more than 600,000 barrels per day. The petrochemical business includes production facilities in Illinois and Texas. The asphalt business produces and markets product in the Midwest. A subsidiary owns an interest in a lubricants base oil facility in Louisiana.
The company is based in Wichita, Kansas, and its nearly 4,900 employees strive to create value for customers and society. More information about the company is available at FHR.com.
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