Two to three hundred people attended a Veterans’ Day ceremony held in Bainbridge’s Willis Park on Tuesday morning, Nov. 11.
Music from the Bainbridge High School Concert Band, under the direction of Paschal Ward, greeted guests to the ceremony.
The Bainbridge High School Junior ROTC Color Guard presented the flags and the BHS band performed the National Anthem.
Here is a video of U.S. Army Ret. Lt. Col. Ronnie Betts’ introduction and message. We apologize for the video being in black and white. Scroll below to see other videos from the ceremony, including the BHS Band’s music.
The Rev. Paul Medley said an invocation, and then the guest speaker, Ret. Lt. Col. Ronnie Betts, talked about the history of Veterans’ Day and why the purpose of Veterans’ Day is still important today, as United States soldiers continue to serve home and abroad in combat, peacekeeping and humanitarian missions. Betts, who is from Climax, served in the Army from 1968 to 1990 and flew UH-1 Hueys and OH-6 light observation helicopters in Vietnam.
Veteran Oliver Sellers, who is also a Decatur County Commissioner, read the names of the local veterans who had passed away since 2013. A BHS musician performed the solemn “Taps” on trumpet from the steps of the Decatur County Courthouse.
After closing statements were made, the BHS band performed some lively patriotic music.
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