Only about 200 people call Calvary home, but on the first Saturday of November, every year, Calvary’s population grows up to between 60,000 and 90,000 (not counting mules). The reason for this – Calvary Lions Club annual Mule Day Festival. Proceeds of which go to Lions Sight programs and local charities. Enjoy a big parade with mules, horses and antique tractors; contests, and all day entertainment, while remembering Mule Day is to celebrated the mules significant contribution to the area’s agriculture.
Come early to visit over 450 arts & crafts exhibitions, concessions, cane grinding, and syrup making all make Mule Day a time to remember. Come on out and join us for a full day of fun – We look forward to seeing you!
The town of Calvary is located off Old Highway 179 South in southern Grady County.
Events Schedule
Mule Day Grounds
Friday, October 31, 2014 – Kick Off
5:00 pm……Chicken “Pilau” Dinner
5:30 pm……Auction in the Mule Show Arena
7:00 pm…..Entertainment (Stage #1)
Mule Day
Mule Day Grounds
Saturday, November 1, 2014
6:00 am …………Sunrise Breakfast
10:00 am………..Invocation & National Athem
11:00 am ……….Parade
1:00 pm……… …Mule Show
Arts and Crafts
Flea Market
Sling Shot Shoot
Petting Zoo
Kids Zone
Corn Grinding
Cane Grinding
Syrup Cooking
Gasing and Gawking
Entertainment on several stages
Museums and Country Store
And Much More!
To help make Mule Day safe and fun for everyone please abide by the following: 1. No alcoholic beverages on the Mule Day grounds. 2. Dogs will not be permitted on the grounds. Exception will be vendors who must declare a pet at time of application and must be on a leash and under control in the vendor space they are assigned. Dogs must be on a leash and under control by the owner at all times on adjoining properties, including the parade route. 3. Unofficial four-wheelers, golf carts and similar types of vehicles are not allowed on the Mule Day grounds. 4. Questions or Assistance while on the grounds can be obtained from the Information Booth located at the main entrance to the Mule Day grounds.
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