Georgia’s regular Energy Assistance Program will open on November 3, 2014, for homebound and elderly households (all adults in household must be age 65 or over or homebound). Households with individuals who have life-threatening medical conditions and who are in danger of imminent cut-off of their heating source may also apply. The program provides financial assistance to low-income households to help defray their home heating costs.
Important program changes for 2014/2015 include the following:
- Disabled individuals (unless homebound) will not be eligible to be served OR put on the waiting list in November, they must call in December to be put on the waiting list.
- Social Security Administration will no longer provide printouts to verify social security numbers; individuals must apply for a replacement card. An application for LIHEAP cannot be completed without social security cards for all household members. If you have lost cards, please apply for a replacement cards as soon as possible at your local social security administration office.
Households participating in the program must meet income criteria and be responsible for the cost of heating their homes. To be eligible, households must have an annual income equal to or less than: $21,180 for a one-person household; $27,697 for two persons; $34,214 for three persons; $40,731 for four persons; $47,248 for five persons; $53,765 for six persons; $54,987 for seven persons; $56,209 for eight; and for each additional person add $1,222.
Interested individuals or those who look after the interest of elderly or homebound individuals should CALL the Decatur County Neighborhood Service Center (NSC) at (229)246-3119 to place their name on the list. Clients will be assisted on a first come, first served basis. Do not go to the NSC, it is required that you call and get your name on the list for an appointment time for an application to be completed.
Please provide a phone number that will be working until the program period ends; we cannot guarantee that changed numbers will be updated on the waiting list.
Applicants should have proof of income for all household members for the last 30 days. This may be a paycheck stub, or a letter granting public assistance, Social Security or unemployment benefits. Applicants must also have the Social Security cards of all household members and their most recent utility or fuel bill. Households whose fuel costs are included in the rent are ineligible for LIHEAP.
If funds are available, the program will open to the general public and the disabled on December 1, 2014. Eligible individuals from the general public are required to CALL the Decatur County Neighborhood Service Center (NSC) at (229)246-3119 on or after December 1, 2014 to have their names placed on the list for an application to be completed. Clients will be assisted on a first come, first served basis. Do not line up and do not go to the NSC, it is required that you call and get your name on the list for an appointment time for an application to be completed.
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