The 24th annual Pelham Wildlife Festival will be Saturday, Oct. 4 at Freedom and Kahn Park in downtown Pelham. Along with all your favorite food you will find arts, crafts, jewelry, a kids zone with a bounce house, train and pony rides and live entertainment from 10 til 3. There’s something for every age. The Pelham Rotary Club will have amazing funnel cakes, the Pelham Masonic Lodge will sell excellent Bar-B-Que, and the Pelham Civitan Club will have homemade chicken pilau. Be in downtown Pelham on Saturday, Oct. 4 from 10 til 3 for the 24 annual Pelham Wildlilfe Festival.
Decatur County Rivers Alive is Saturday, Oct. 4. Decatur County volunteers take advantage of the last chance to clean the water and watershed before the water reaches the sea. Volunteers should meet up between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m. at the picnic shelters next to the Chamber of Commerce building in the Earle May Boat Basin on West Shotwell Street in Bainbridge.
Fall Family Fun is back at the Springhill Tree Farm in Bainbridge!
Weekends from Oct. 4 through Nov. 2, The Spring Hill Tree Farm will be home to a Pumpkin Patch, Two Mazes, Horse rides, a Bounce house, Hay Rides, Boyd’s BBQ, Pumpkin Games, Pumpkin Chunking, Haunted Maze and more. The Spring Hill Tree Farm is located at 795 Woodhull Road in Bainbridge!
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