The following arrests and citations, occurring between September 30, 2014 and Oct. 2, 2014, were reported by Bainbridge Public Safety and the Decatur County Jail:
- Thomas Charles Edmondson, possession of marijuana (less than an ounce), obstruction of an officer (misdemeanor), probation violation-original charge burglary; J. Williams, SO;
- Alonzo Garrett, 19, 40 Perry St., Colquitt, Ga., indecent exposure (1st offense); J. Barlow, BPS;
- Terrell Lamar Parker, 27, 40 Perry St., Colquitt, Ga., probation violation; J. Barlow, BPS;
- Michael Eugene Brown, 35, 408 Church St., Bainbridge, fighting in public place (affray), public drunk; J. Long, BPS;
- Thomas Harrell Brown, 27, 433 Pine St., Bainbridge, driving while license withdrawn, driving without headlights when required; C. Hill Jr., BPS;
- Yzetta Voneshilker Grant, 24, 1500 Bethel Road Apt. C, Bainbridge, fighting in public place (affray); J. Long, BPS;
- Labarette Deshaun Anderson, 105 Anderson St., Attapulgus, Ga., obstruction of an officer (misdemeanor), driving while license suspended/revoked, failure to maintain lane, stop sign violation, reckless driving, fleeing/attempting to elude police officer, speeding; Landrum, GSP;
- Gregory Bernard Murphy, 119 McGregory Ave., Attapulgus, incest, child molestation, SO.
Format: Name of person charged, age, address, city, charges; Arresting Officer, Arresting Agency
SO = Decatur County Sheriff’s Office
BPS = Bainbridge Public Safety
GSP = Georgia State Patrol
Related: Arrest Reports from 9/23 to 9/24
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