A representative of the Job Corps, Marcus Rolle, will visit the library in Bainbridge on Monday, August 18th to speak with both local leaders and young adults ages 16 to 24 about the services and money the Job Corps provides.
Job Corps is a Federally-funded program open to U.S. Citizens ages 16 to 24, who need financial assistance to obtain training and education. Mr. Rolle will meet at 10 a.m. at the Decatur County – Gilbert H. Gragg Library with young adults who are considering enrolling in the program. The program provides transportation, housing, food, clothes, and guides young adults in decisions about further education and training including certification programs and college.
Community leaders and youth advocates who are in contact with young adults in need of money for training and education are also invited to attend to hear more about the program. Young people who want to apply to the program need to bring photo id, birth certificate, social security card, school transcripts, proof of income (most recent food stamp letter, or 1 month of check stubs, or Statement of Support form) and immunization records.
To learn more about the Job Corps log onto http://turner.jobcorps.gov. For information about the meeting please call Carole Albyn at 229.248.2665 #114 or visit the library the Decatur County – Gilbert H. Gragg Library at 301 S. Monroe Street, Bainbridge, Georgia.
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