The Decatur County Board of Commissioners will meet Tuesday, July 8 at 9 a.m. in the meeting room of the County Administration Building, 203 W. Broughton St., with the following agenda:
9:00 AM
- Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance
- Approval of Agenda
- Special Presentations: Southern Paws Animal Rescue
- Public Participation
- Approve Minutes of Commissioners Meeting held June 24, 2014
(1) EMS Transition Status
(2) Carters Mill Road-CDBG
(3) Landfill Timber Management
(4) Landfill Cell 4 Status
(5) Propane Operation at Industrial Park
(6) Water/Waste Water Treatment Plant System Status at Industrial Park
(7) Georgia Pines Facility Contract
(8) ACCG 100 Years Emphasis “You Are Why We’re Here”
(9) Consider Payment for Vehicle Damaged on Beaver Circle
(10) Supplemental Agreement from Department of the Corps of Engineers for Big Slough Park
and Smith Landing.
(11) Consider Approval of Errors and Reliefs Report from the Tax Commissioner
(12) Consider Approval of Alcoholic Beverage License for Robert Estes – Faceville Community Store
Commissioners / Administrator’s Remarks
Executive Session: Litigation
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