News Release
The third annual Bill Jones Legacy Award was given during the third annual Derby Night on May 3, 2014.
The Bill Jones’ Legacy Award nominee was a member of the community and served on both the Memorial
Hospital Foundation and Hospital Authority. Being formed about 25 years ago, the Memorial Hospital
Foundation has raised almost $1 million for equipment purchases for the hospital over that time.
The recipient of this year’s Bill Jones Legacy Award is Mr. Jimmy Harrell. Mr. Jimmy Harrell served as the
Treasurer for the Foundation from 1991 to 1998, and as the Chairman of the Hospital Authority from 1998
through 2004. During Mr. Harrell’s tenure as the Chairman of the Hospital Authority, the Hospital
experienced significant expansion with the opening of the Kirbo Women’s Center, Willow Ridge Personal
Care Home, and Memorial Medical Center.
We owe a great deal of gratitude to Mr. Harrell for his dedication and leadership of both the Memorial Hospital Foundation
and the Hospital Authority. Mr. Jimmy Harrell is truly a legacy, and his support throughout the years is
greatly appreciated and remembered.
Pictured from left to right: Billy Walker, Mike Harrell, Mrs. Janet Harrell, Mark Harrell, Abby Parsons, Zach Parsons
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