The following arrests and citations, occurring between May 15 and May 16, 2014, were reported by the Decatur County Sheriff’s Office and Bainbridge Public Safety:
- Eugene R. Daughtry III, 41, 123 E. Judith Drive, Bainbridge, stalking; C. Strickland III, BPS;
- Dominic Douglas, 18, 600 N. Sims St., Bainbridge, simple battery; C. Hill Jr., BPS;
- Andreika Aundra Green, 26, 209 E. Columbia St., Bainbridge, probation violation; T. Mock, BPS;
- Charlie Jerome Johnson, 32, 706 Monroe St., Bainbridge, theft by shoplifting (1st), obstruction of an officer (misdemeanor), criminal trespass; J. Myers, BPS;
- Tyler Williams, 17, 204 Love St., Bainbridge, simple battery; C. Hill Jr., BPS;
- Dylan Kent Arnold, 20, 511 Wilford Road, Havana, Fla., underage consumption; J. Myers, BPS;
- David William Brown, 55, 805 S. Russ St., Bainbridge, failure to drive within single lane, DUI; J. Williams, BPS;
- Rodricas Jarod Carter, 27, 935 MLK Jr. Drive, Bainbridge, obstruction of an officer (misdemeanor); C. Hill Jr., BPS;
- Dylan Michael Mathews, 22, 2114 Shady Oaks Drive, Tallahassee, Fla., open container in vehicle; J. Myers, BPS;
- Lavana De’shawn Perry, 21, 1202 E. Broughton St., Bainbridge, probation violation-original charges of criminal trespass, obstruction; J. Myers, BPS;
- James Doyle Richardson, 22, 2605 Lucerne Drive, Tallahassee, Fla., DUI, open container in vehicle, failure to stop at stop sign, failure to obey traffic control device; J. Myers, BPS;
- T’Var Bernard Shaikha, 22, 604 West St., Bainbridge, failure to appear-original charges of reckless driving, obstruction; P. Bryant, BPS;
- Deontavious Marquiz Akins, 121 Simmons-McIntyre Road, Attapulgus, burglary (two counts); K. Davidson, SO;
- Paula Jean Boyer, 46, 205 Turtle Pond Road, Bainbridge, boating under the influence (alcohol); Anthony Cox, Georgia Department of Natural Resources Law Enforcement;
- Shannon Dewayne Boyer, 48, 205 Turtle Pond Road, Bainbridge, boating under the influence (alcohol); Anthony Cox, Georgia Department of Natural Resources Law Enforcement;
- Damien Blake Brown, 18, 112 Chestnut Road, Camilla, Ga., burglary; R. Donalson, SO;
- Warner Lee Fryer, 26, 1119 E. Broughton St., Bainbridge, contempt of court (child support); R. Hughes, SO;
- David Kennedy, 35, 471 Whigham Road, Whigham, Ga., DUI, possession of marijuana (misdemeanor), aggravated assault; Brian Palmer, GSP;
- Shaquiere Devonn Ross, 21, 107 Simmons-McIntyre Road, Attapulgus, burglary; K. Davidson, SO;
- Sonya Stephens Sheffield, 41 111 Sheffield Drive, Colquitt, Ga., deposit account fraud; S. Hughes, SO.
Format: Name of person charged, age, address, city, charges; Arresting Officer, Arresting Agency
SO = Decatur County Sheriff’s Office
BPS = Bainbridge Public Safety
GSP = Georgia State Patrol
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