The City of Donalsonville (the city) operates its Wastewater Pollution Control Plant, commonly called the Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) by authority granted under a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit which is administered within the State of Georgia by the Environmental Protection Division of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources. This permit allows the City to discharge its WWTP effluent into Fish Pond Drain. One of the requirements placed upon the NPDES permit holder is that when a spill occurs within our collection system, a prescribed course of notification and corrections shall be untaken. This requirement is the basis for this Public Notice.
ON April 1, 20016, the City experienced a major rainfall event ranging between 5 to 8 inches of rain over a short period of time. During the event, the City had 3 spills occur: 1) at Plain St and Tennille Ave., 2) at 2nd St. and Tennille Ave. and 3) on Newcombe Ave. During this event the City estimates less than 10,000 gallons was discharged. With periods of heavy rainfall, excessive flow enters the City’s sewer collection system due to infiltration that occurs throughout the collection system, resulting in greatly elevated levels of highly diluted influent, a condition that has occurred throughout the history of the WWTP.
The City has been making every effort to eliminate the problem of infiltration and inflow. We have implemented a video program and other methods of locating and repairing sections of the collection system where significant infiltration is occurring.
Any question in regard to this PUBLIC NOTIFICATION should be directed in writing to the office and attention Darrell Hampton, City Manager, at P.O. Box 308, Donalsonville, GA 39845 or to his attention by telephone at (229) 524-2118.
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