By Dan West
Honor Sentinel Inc.
Honor Sentinel Inc. has been busy lately raising money to go toward .
They recently sold BBQ plates and held a raffle to give away a “Mary Kay” Glamour Makeover (donated by Jennifer Tomlinson) and an “It Works” Ultimate Body Wrap (donated by Connie Griffin). Both the BBQ Plate sale and the raffle took place this past Saturday at the Honor House Veterans Center at 1302 E. Evans Street. The Ultimate Body Wrap was won by Crystal Samons and the glamour makeover was won by Julie Elrod.
Also on Saturday, the Honor Sentinel organizers and volunteers were working on the veteran’s center building, installing cabinets, countertops and wall covering, which was donated by Home Depot. Also the flag holders were mounted on the main sign and the porch. We are getting closer every day to opening it. Thanks for all of the support.
To learn more about the Honor House Veterans Center, read our article “Veterans’ Support Center planned for Bainbridge” or visit the Honor Sentinels Inc. Facebook page.
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