New Books at the Library
Come check out the new books that we have for you at the Decatur County – Gilbert H. Gragg Library! No One Ever Asked by Katie Ganshert, All That I Can Fix by Crystal Chan, and Wicked River by Jenny Milchman are just a few of the books that have just arrived. Get these and more at the library today.
Meet Curious George!
Bring your children to the library on Tuesday, June 19th at 10 am to meet and take a photograph with Curious George. Everyone’s favorite curious monkey will be at the library from 10:00 to 11:00.
Coding Club
Coding Club will return to the library on Thursday, June 21st at 4 pm. Come learn the basics of computers and coding in a way that is easy and fun. Participants must register in advance by calling the library at 229-248-2665.
Animal Tales: Born to be Wild
Come to the library on Tuesday, June 26th at 10 am for “Born to Be Wild,” presented by Animal Tales. Come see beautiful animals and hear the unique sounds of the animal kingdom. Be prepared to get up-close and personal learning about these animals that were born to rock!
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