The following arrests and citations were reported by the Decatur County Jail. The addresses listed below are given to us directly by the Decatur County Jail:
- LaDarius Marquese Bodison, 21, North Gate Circle, Bainbridge, Ga, Driving Under the Influence Alcohol/Drugs, Headlights Requirements, Marijuana – Possession Less than 1 oz; Heard, GSP
- Derek Mark Engle, 35, Deraper Jones Road, Colquitt, Ga, Possession of Marijuana Less than 1 oz; Edmond, DESO
- Antonio Recarez Glenn, 39, Clark Drive, Attapulgus, Ga, Contempt of Court o/c Child Support (Three Counts); Reynolds, DESO
- Mittie Lee Horton, 49, Faceville Hwy, Bainbridge, Ga, Contempt of Court o/c Child Support; Reynolds, DESO
- Dionne Lakisha Lee, 40, Progress Street, Bainbridge, Ga, DUI, Speeding; Edmond, DESO
- Shannon Bernard Madge, 29, East Troupe Street, Criminal Trespass, Simple Battery; Barlow, BPS
- Robert Lee Roberts, 49, Blackjack Road, Bainbridge, Ga, Probation Violation o/c Forgery 1st Degree; Lewis, BSCP
- Fredrickus Lovarn Sapp, 46, Ward Road, Attapulgus, Ga, Contempt of Court o/c Child Support; Gale, DESO
- Terry David Sconyers, 39, Concord Courte, Havana, Fl, Driving while License Suspended or Revoked; Reynolds, DESO
- Marc Allen Scott, 21, Deese Road, Bainbridge, Ga, Driving Under the Influence Alcohol/Drugs, Tail Lights Required; Heard, GSP
- Antonio Bernard Smiley, 32, Alice Lane, Attapulgus, Ga, Contempt of Court o/c Child Support; Edmond, DESO
- Tynesha Shaunta Williams, 25, Bethel Road, Bainbridge, Ga, Probation Violation o/c Simple Battery; Palmer, GSP
- Willie Fred Williams, 31, Drane Smith Road, Bainbridge, Ga, Obstruction of an Officer, Possession of Controlled Substance, Probation Violation o/c Failure to Maintain Lane, Probation Violation o/c Possession of Counterfeit Drugs; Kelly, GSP
- Vonderious Delronta Boyd, 22, Mission Road, Tallahassee, Fl, Probation Violation o/c Possession of Counterfeit Drugs; Hanks, DESO
- James Allen Weatherford, 48, Water Street, Bainbridge, Ga, Disorderly Conduct; Akins, BPS
- Ruben Villegas, 32, Henry Lane, Bainbridge, Ga, Theft by Taking; Marshburn, BPS
- Keith Anthony Cherry, 34, Timberlane Road, Bainbridge, Ga, Driving while License Suspended or Revoked, No U-Turn; Landrum, BPS
- Derrick Derrell Carter, 25, East Evans Street, Bainbridge, Ga, Simple Battery; Strickland, BPS
- Ernest DeWayne Wilson, 35, Evans Street, Bainbridge, Ga, Driving while License Suspended or Revoked, Brake Lights and Turn Signals Required; Hayes, BPS
- Ronnie Elbert Black, 25, Old 84, Cairo, Ga, DUI, DUI – Child Endangerment (Three Counts), Tail Light and Tag Light Requirements, Driving while License Suspended or Revoked; Marchant, BPS
- Elisha Eaton Cushing, 18, Old Lucile Road, Blakely, Ga, Controlled Substance – Possession of Marijuana; Hayes, BPS
- Sebrenia Troutman, 49, South Anderson Street, Bainbridge, Ga, Obstructing or Hindering LE Officers; McMillan, BPS
BPS = Bainbridge Public Safety
GSP = Georgia State Patrol
SO = Decatur County Sheriff’s Office
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