The following arrests and citations, occurring between November 23 and November 24, were reported by Bainbridge Public Safety and the Decatur County Jail. The addresses listed below are given to us directly by BPS and the Decatur County Jail.
- Andrew Lee Williams, Bainbridge, accident (striking a fixed object), failure to stop at the scene of an accident with property damage or injury, failure to maintain lane; C. Hill, BPS;
- Aresinnio Scott, 26, Bainbridge, giving false name, address or birthdate to law enforcement officer; P. Bryant, BPS;
- Daswon Anthony Evans, 28, Camilla, Ga., driving while license suspended/revoked, tail light and tag light requirements; J. Glover, BPS;
- Quintin Quishone Gadson, 22, 111 Edgewood Drive, Bainbridge, driving without a valid license, tail lights required; J. Myers, BPS;
- Chasity Myers, 28, 403 Phillips-Pope Road, Climax, Ga., theft by taking (felony fidicuary)(six counts); SO.
Format: Name of person charged, age, address, city, charges; Arresting Officer, Arresting Agency
SO = Decatur County Sheriff’s Office
BPS = Bainbridge Public Safety
GSP = Georgia State Patrol
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