Roofing nails strewn along the road in front of the Grady County Sheriff’s Office wound up puncturing many tires, including some belonging to the sheriff, and authorities are trying to determine just how and when the nails got there.
The silver tacks were discovered Monday morning and many employees at the sheriff’s office found them poked into their tires from their drive into work. Also, at least four employees found nails in the tires of their government vehicles.
Once the nails were discovered, the City of Cairo sent its street sweeper to the area to help clean up the small metal spikes. Employees of the jail and sheriff’s office picked up an estimated one pound of more nails left behind, according to Capt. Steve Clark, chief investigator for the Grady County Sheriff’s Office.
Capt. Clark says he is working to determine whether the nails were dropped along 16th Avenue N.E., by accident or spread with the intention of causing harm.
Read more about what could happen if someone left the nails intentionally at the Cairo Messenger, or pick up a copy of the newspaper at local newsstands.
Thief steals running truck from Valdosta store
VALDOSTA — We’ve all been told not to leave your vehicle alone and running.
A victim learned that lesson the hard way Monday, though police were able to recover the vehicle.
Early Monday morning, the victim stopped at the Flash Foods at 1800 North Ashley and entered the store, leaving his 2006 Ford pickup truck running and unlocked. When he left the store, his truck was gone.
Read the surprising place the vehicle was found at Valdosta Today
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