The following arrests and citations, occurring between May 15 and May 18, were reported by Bainbridge Public Safety and the Decatur County Jail. The addresses listed below are given to us directly by BPS and the Decatur County Jail.
- Warren David Donalson, 34, 110 Martha Ave., Bainbridge, criminal trespass (Family Violence Act); D. Peak, BPS;
- Idalia Resendiz Majia, 29, 1333 E. Jefferson St., Quincy, Fla., DUI, failure to maintain lane, endangerment of a child under 14 by DUI, open container, obstruction of an officer, seat belt violation (under 8 years of age); T.J. Anderson, GSP;
- Jason Shimone Marshall, 32, 182 Fluitt Road, Attapulgus, deposit account fraud; V. Edmond, SO;
- Larry Donald Washington Jr., 27, 1004 E. Water St., Bainbridge, failure to appear (two counts)-original charge possession of marijuana with intent to distribute; K. Williams, BPS;
- Henderson Elemuel Williams, 28, 332 SW Third St., Belle Glade, Fla., disorderly conduct, public drunkenness; C. Hill, BPS;
- Jimmie Lee Bogan, 49, 108 Barber St., Bainbridge, driving while license suspended/revoked, speeding, T. McCain, BPS;
- Dankeriau La’trel Frazier, 18, 707 N. Sims St., Bainbridge, no driver’s license (30 day resident requirement), headlight requirements; T. Mock, BPS.
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