Baby chicks await new homes at Stone’s stores (Pictures and Video)

14281054709193Stone’s Home Centers in Bainbridge and across South Georgia and North Florida are playing host to some baby chicks, just in time for Easter delivery to new homes.

The chick sale days are Friday and Saturday, but hurry if you want one, because they’re going fast. The Bainbridge store started off with nearly 1,000 baby chicks from Mount Healthy Hatcheries and the store was down to a few hundred on Friday afternoon.

Each chick costs $0.99, or they can be had for a discount of $0.50 each if you buy multiple chicks along with a bag of starter chick feed.

14281054708651There are several varieties of chicks for sale–however, they are “straight-run” chicks which means whether you buy an egg-laying chick or not is pretty much luck of the draw. They would make cute Easter gifts for a family, and Stone’s employees are standing by with everything you need to take care of.

Stone’s not only sells the chicks and F-R-M chick feed (in 10 pounds, 25 pounds and 50 pound sizes), they also sell the heat lamps you will need to keep the baby chicks warm for the first couple of weeks. Stone’s also has what you need to put up a pen to keep the chicks safe from dogs and other animals.

Stone’s is also currently holding a spring tool sale and they have a section devoted to Big Green Egg cookers.

14281054712274To start off raising the chicks, you give them ample water and feed them chick starter crumbles for about 6-8 weeks. As the chicks grow bigger, you can begin feeding them “grower” feed, and if you’re lucky, any hens you may have raised will lay their first egg in about 5-6 months after you adopt them.

If you decide to buy some baby chicks and need more info on how to raise them, here are some more helpful resources:

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