The following arrests and citations, occurring between Jan. 20, 2014 and Jan. 22, 2015, were reported by Bainbridge Public Safety and the Decatur County Jail:
- Paul Houston Burrington, 46, 912 N. Sims St., Bainbridge, parole violation-original charge possession of cocaine; R. Day, BPS;
- Phillip Roger Byrd, 50, 265 Big Richard Road, Tallahassee, Fla., probation violation (two counts); J. Barlow, BPS;
- Breyuanna Breshea Coleman, 17, 1012 E. Powell St., Bainbridge, burglary (1st degere); C. Jordan, BPS;
- Charles Ray Esland, 43, 1014 E. Water St., Bainbridge, contempt of court-child support (two counts); J. Bedwell, SO;
- Markia Anthoria Howell, 19, 712 Washington St., Bainbridge, DUI (drugs), possession of marijuana (less than an ounce), possession of cocaine, reckless driving, obstruction of law enforcement officers (misdemeanor), failure to yield; J. Kirkus, GSP;
- James Roger Byrd, 40, 804 Hall St., Bainbridge, probation violation-original charge battery (Family Violence Act); A. Mobley, SO;
- Quintarius Antwon Harrison, 32, 4974 Georgia Highway 111 South, Calvary, Ga., contempt of Superior Court; V .Edmond, SO;
- Melissa Renee Heard, 40, 1501 Myrtle St. Apt. B-6, Remerton, Ga., probation violation-original charge theft by taking, probation violation-original charge forgery in the first degree; S. Watson, SO;
- Kathy Joann Henry, 36, 2698 Belcher Lane, Colquitt, Ga., DUI, reckless driving, failure to maintain lane; J. Kirkus, GSP;
- Talmadge Devon Perkins, 32, 716 E. Griffin Ave., Attapulgus, unlawful conduct during 911 calls or contacts, simple battery (Family Violence Act); V. Edmond, SO;
- Bobby Smith Jr., 59, 164 Dodson Drive, Bainbridge, deposit account fraud (misdemeanor); N. Godwin, SO;
- Kimberly Marie Bridges, 20, 145 Gail Drive, Bainbridge, theft by shoplifting (misdemeanor); R. Deen, BPS;
- James Colt Lowery, 32, 1744 Tallahassee Highway Unit 41, Bainbridge, harassing phone calls (misdemeanor); B. Boyett, BPS.
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