A message from Rollins and Sarah Ball Miller of Bainbridge, GA:
Please watch a brief video we made telling how the March of Dimes has impacted our family.
“You’ve got your hands full!” “Are they triplets?!” “Were they ‘natural’?” “Are they ‘three twins’?” These are all questions that we continue to hear on a regular basis…and we are so very thankful to have the opportunity to be asked. Without the research and programs supported by the March of Dimes, we likely would not have that opportunity. The research completed/implemented in the ten years prior to our children’s birth likely saved their lives. March of Dimes helped fund that research.
This year, the March of Dimes Big Bend Division has invited us to serve as the Ambassador Family for its Signature Chefs Auction where we will share our story of how March of Dimes has affected our family. Sarah Ball and I have committed to raising $20,000 for the March of Dimes. It was donations from people like you (or maybe even you specifically) that funded the research that helped countless children like ours have a healthy start to life and that will fund the research that will lead to more healthy babies.
We hope you will consider joining us in supporting the March of Dimes. Some ways you can do so are:
- Donate: Click on the following link to make a donation to the March of Dimes, www.crowdrise.com/SCATallahasseeSarahMiller A contribution of any amount will make a difference and be greatly appreciated. 100% of this donation goes to the March of Dimes and is tax-deductible. If mail is easier, please make a check payable to “March of Dimes- Fund the Mission” and mail to March of Dimes, 1990 Village Green Way, Suite 3, Tallahassee, Florida 32308.
- Pass it On: If you have any friends or family who you think may be interested in supporting this effort, we would greatly appreciate your forwarding this email/video along to them or your sharing the video on your social media site. We are so thankful for whatever you can do to help us spread the word and raise support for the March of Dimes.
- Sponsor: If you, your family, your business, or someone you know would be interested in sponsoring the Signature Chefs Auction at any of the several levels available, I would be most grateful for the opportunity to talk with you more about it. This will be a wonderful evening of auction and food brought to you by some of the best chefs and restaurants in town and served to you by some of our political leaders. The event is November 13, 2014, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Turnbull Conference Center on the campus of Florida State University. We are hoping to secure all sponsors by the end of September so that we can best include them in event promotion pieces.
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