The following arrests and citations, occurring between July 8 and July 9, 2014, were reported by the Decatur County Jail:
- Roderick Deyan Addison, 19, 231 Melton-Brinson Road, Whigham, Ga., burglary (two counts); R. Deen, BPS;
- Terrell Ashby Peterson, 17, 231 Melton Brinson Road, Whigham, Ga., burglary (two counts); R. Deen, BPS;
- Carson Brandon Givens, 39, 241 Martin Road, Bainbridge, obstruction of an officer (misdemeanor), driving while license suspended/revoked; SO;
- Khamyri Rashon Harper, 898 Meginnis Lane, Tallahassee, indecent exposure (first offense); P. Bryant, BPS;
- Devan Javone Collins, 21, 1220 MLK Jr. Drive, Bainbridge, probation violation-original charge disorderly conduct; C. Jordan, BPS.
Bainbridge Public Safety did not report any arrests between Monday and Tuesday; BPS arrests between Tuesday and Wednesday will be included in Thursday’s report.
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