Bainbridge State College Vice President for Academic Affairs Tonya Strickland has announced the students who earned the distinction of being named to the 2014 dean’s and the honors lists for Spring Semester, having earned a 3.5 (B+) grade point average or higher while attending Bainbridge State full time for dean’s list and taking at least seven and up to 11 semester hours for honors list. (Students are listed alphabetically by their city).
Havana, Fla. — Carol Chason and Kasi Taylor.
Americus, Ga. — Britainy Glover.
Arlington — Alfred Cotton and Jettica Williams.
Attapulgus — Larronda Edwards, Cheryl Fleming, Crystal Grice, Kimberly Miller, Malcolm Shaw and Kimberly Thomas.
Bainbridge — Casey Alday, Derek Allen, Ryan Anderson, Derrick Baker, Ronald Black, Tiffy Blocker, Thea Boyd, Hali Bryant, Dantavious Campbell, Carla Carr, Laura Cerone, Kevin Childree, Kathryn Clinton, Edwin Cloud, Keeshan Coney, Lawson Conoly, Jaclynne Crankfield, Jason Croney, Kathryn Culverson, Victoria Cutchin, Zackery Cutchin, Julie Darley, Abby Davidson, Chasity Dukes, Michael Evans, Christopher Foster, Emily Friend, Lori Geller, Jacob Goodson, Jacquelyn Green, Phillip Hall, Madison Helms, Alfred Henry, Sharon Hicks, Karen Howell, Amanda Hurley, Tabitha Ingle, Shakira Isom, Jacqueline James, Willie Johnson, Davon Jones, Aubrey Justice, Erin Kirkus, Brittany Lambert, Elizabeth Lewis, Alex Long, Codie Long, Matthew Love, Staci Mackey, Traci Mackey, Brent Martin, Alexandria McClesky, Adrienne McKay, Emily Meredith, Ethan Middleton, Brittany Miller, Mecca Miller, Aaliyah Mohammed, Jessica Moore, Anthony Oyeola, Carrie Pollock, Jewelynn Pulley, Phyllis Redding, Jessica Roach, Otgontungalag Sainbayar, Maria Santiago, Jennifer Scott, Crystal Sekula, Robert Sheffield, Darby Simkins, Thomas Valter, Joshua Vaughn, Tequeila Veniszee, Jennifer Wade, Kayla Wagner, Alexander Ward, Sarah Watts, Hannah Williams and Carla Wimberly.
Blakely — Cecily Giannars, Jamal Graham, Rikki Hughes Jackson, Rebecca Johnson, Angela Rogers, Jamie Simpson, Elizabeth Stewart, Xavier Thomas, Caitlin Waller, Patrick White and Gloria Wynds.
Bluffton — Daniel Langton and Tracy Rizer.
Brinson — Shaney Barber, Jessica Brown, Larry Comerford, Jessalyn Hamilton, Sheila Hartsfield and Lauren Huckeba.
Cairo — Stephanie Black, Kinsasha Davis, Suzanne Devalle, Jessica Duncan, Shavodka Duncan, Jasmine Freeman, Kailen Freeman, Thelma Gammage, Derrick Green, Leah Hollingsworth, Brittany Horton, Lindsey Knight, Jason Maxwell, Alexis Odom, Gabriel Russo, Alea Simmons, Carlos West and Kolbi Whitfield.
Calvary — Tawana Johnson.
Camilla — Courtney Bearrentine, Andre Calhoun, Tori Caulder, Tommy Dawson, Kelly Foister, Kyle Howell, Mary Hurst and Sheila Yates.
Climax — Cathy Brewer, Amber Cook, Natasha Green, Melissa Groomes, Karley Harris, Chrissi Heard, Ashley Patterson, Harli Singleton and Gabriel Widner.
Colquitt — Patricia Clark, Matthew Cleveland, Ashley Cook, Hillary Harrell, Sheila Parham, Alyxandria Powell and Hunter Rutledge.
Cuthbert — Cynthia Moore and Alicia Settles.
Damascus — Matoya Hudson.
Donalsonville — Emily Braswell, Aaron Dukes, Linda Edwards, Victoria Edwards, Crystal Glass, Crystal Godwin, Dillon Helms, Lindsey Helms, Jeffrey Johnson, Ronald Jones, Zi’a Leonard, Darin Moore, Joseph Pearce, Deana Smith-Cogland and Byron Webb.
Edison — Charline Kimbrel.
Fort Gaines — Chrissy Chappell, Ceri Killingsworth and Maitland McLeod.
Fowlstown — Samuel Andrews.
Iron City — Zackery Conoly, Kayla Lane, Ronnie Miller, Kadie Patrick, John Roland, Bobbie Temples, Codie Temples, Sia Williams and Jose Zapatero.
Jakin — Kelsea Reese and Richard Widner.
Leary — Haley Whiddon and Ashley Young.
Meigs — Heather Ireland, Linda Mitchell and Michelle Smart.
Newton — Alexis Bevis.
Ochlocknee — Sarah Baxter.
Pelham — James Cook, Laquita Flemming, Cornetta Redden, Spencer Rice, Gloria Russell and Tanya Sheperd.
Thomasville — Jessica Barwick, Carrie Gray, Bravonda McCall, ShaQuoyah Myles, Ny’teefa Robinson and Jessica Worthington.
Whigham — Kayla Brewer, Janice Chason, Bailee Harrell, Sonya Hollingsworth, Rachel Leggett, Allie Nowell, April Perkins and Jamie Sandefur.
Ashford, Ala. — Emily Cole.
Chattahoochee, Fla. – Deborah Lawson.
Havana, Fla. — Ka’Shandra Baker and Latasha Glenn.
Quincy, Fla. — Heather Kelley and Shantorria Neal.
Arlington, Ga. – Phyllis Brown, Deidre Evans, Bonnie Hudson, Michael Odom and Gashebal Robinson.
Attapulgus — Jarvis Anderson, Ismael Esquivel, Mauricio Estala, Chiquita Horne, Racheal Jones, Dianne Moore and Cassandra Williams.
Bainbridge — Londa Akins, Shaquala Akins, Patricia Austin, Brandy Bird, Kadijah Breedlove, Troup Burney, Joshua Carnes, Aaron Carraway, Kendi Castoro, Charlene Close, Lawahanna Cooper, Leslie Cutchin, Randall Daniel, Joseph Fowler, Stephen Fowler, Nicole Gadson, Sherry Gainer, Brittany George, Tasha Green, Roderick Greene, Chad Griffin, Michelle Griffin, Pharis Hall, Kerri Harrell, LaShondra Harris, Lamanda Howard, John Huggins, Madison Hughes, Dawn Jackson, Annie Jones, Sequoria Jones, Temetris Jones, Nathan Key, Madison Malone, Ashley McCaskill, Lashawnda Middleton, Joseph Moore, Jill Overman, Brooke Parker, Merrianna Parker, Desiree Payne, Julian Poole, Amanda Quail, Sharon Rathel, Sarah Reese, Eva Reynolds, Jessica Richardson, Sheneakia Robinson, Carlos Silva, Barry Smith, Elizabeth Smith, Jessica Smith, James Spears, Tiffany Spooner, Marterrio Thomas, Brenton Warr, Kristie Webb, Adrian Williamson and Rawson Willis.
Barney – Cerisee Snow.
Blakely — Jimmie Bradley, Kamia Brown, Mary Brown, Tabitha Ceasar, Johnnie Cook, Brook Lewis, Teketa Lewis, Nathaniel Lingo, J’Quasha Sol, James Strickland, Leigh Warfield, Sara Whaley and Bridget Worlds.
Bluffton — Ann Marie Bouet.
Brinson — Edith Hunter, Frans Irausquin-Hale, Amanda Johns and Adam Taylor.
Cairo – Morenyka Dixon, Kylie Harris, Vincent Lewis, Rebecca Marchant, Gregory McCullough, Keyera Mitchell, Lorrie Morgan, Larry Simmons, Vincent Smart, Kelsey Smith, Estrellita Valle, Shatoya Vicks, Cade West, Mickey White, Angelia Williams, Christopher Willis and Dwayne Wright.
Camilla — Michaela Barfield, Lisa Dewberry and Torchee Williams.
Cedar Springs — Christopher Roland.
Climax — Lisa Chance, Stevenson Crowell, Fredrick Denson, Emilda Gargar-Jones, William Givens, Tom Jones and Amanda Wooten.
Colquitt — Kaitlin Adams, April Brown, Austin Deane, Shun Edwards, Morgan Everson, Shannon Fisher, Meaghan Holmes, Jontavius Hopson, Kenny Johnson, Dana Norman, Adam Phillips, Jenna Phillips, Chloe Pickren, Shelley Powell, Jeremy Robinson, Stanley Shephard, Dealana Staples, Krystal Stovall, Erin Williams and Andrew Winn.
Cuthbert — Bret Brown and Whenekia Washington.
Damascus — Lucy Cooper and Annie Wright.
Donalsonville — Brandon Brookins, Emma Buggs, Justin Burke, Arthur Eakin, Chelsey Glass, Robin Godwin, Jordon Harris, Kadesha Jones, Terrance Jones, Tracy Lebowitz, Kenneth Massey, Henry Miller, Devansi Patel, Scotty Pitts, Addison Ponder, Davis Ponder, Ronald Pugh, Jessica Ritter, Pamela Robinson, Robert Sayre, Michael Smith, Stephen Street, Kimberly Tedder, Sharon Varnum, Tina Varnum and Destiny Williams.
Edison — Leila Collins, Faye Howard, Bobby Washington and Shewanda Wright.
Fort Gaines — Travis Turner.
Georgetown — Emily Henderson.
Iron City — Billy Cherry, Christal Guy and Jonathan North.
Jakin – Michael McLendon and Judson Mock.
Leesburg – Camille Holmes and Whitney Johnson.
Morgan – Cecilia Timpson.
Pelham — Hannah Hatcher.
Thomasville – Brittney Alexander, Willie Bradley, Marc DeCosta, Latisa Roberts and Temieke Ross.
Whigham — Kathy Griffin, Susan Hynote, Lisa Jones, Alyssa Newsom, Wesley Potter and Kylee Taylor.
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